Knife Perspective

Knife Perspective

A lively podcast with conversations about knives, knife making, food, small business and so much more!

About the Show

Grow your small business or just listen for fun: Two knife makers (Kyle and Dan) give their perspective on knives and knife making. They get talented knife makers, knife influencers, chefs, engineers, and more on the mic so you can learn valuable insights from their lives.

Our Story

We first met each other at Blade Show in Atlanta Georgia in 2012. We had been friends on Blade Forums for a little while before that. Dan had started his knife making apprenticeship at Fiddleback Forge and Kyle was just getting into knife making. Dan before meeting Kyle at the show invited him to come to visit the shop and see how they were making knives. Since then, they have become very good friends and love to share what they are working on with each other.


Kyle Daily

KHDaily Knives

Kyle Daily, owner of KHDaily Knives, has been using knives in some form since he was a little boy. As a child, he always enjoyed helping his parents in the kitchen, assisting his uncle filleting fish, and finding small jobs to complete with knives. His love of knives was so strong that he may have forgotten to take them out of his pocket once or twice before going to school!

As a Mechanical Engineer, Kyle loves to problem solve and create functional pieces that solve every day problems. He worked at a machine shop during and after college and gained lots of relevant experience working with his hands. After moving to Chicago for an engineering job, he began to miss hands on fabrication.  After a co-worker introduced him to some knife makers and blade forums in 2011—he was hooked!

Since then, he started his own small business creating custom knives that have earned him recognition from Blade Magazine (via Twitter), as well as exhibiting his knives at the Blade Magazine Knife Show in Atlanta. His passion is in creating kitchen and backpacking knives, as well as specializing in unique file work patterns on their handles.


Dan Eastland

Dogwood Custom Knives

Dan Eastland has worked with a blade of one type or another nearly all of his life. As a young boy, he followed his dad around the North Georgia woods clutching a new Barlow knife. He then spent time as a landscaper, an infantryman in the US Army, a carpenter, a furniture maker and all this time continued to be an avid outdoorsman. Dan used a wide variety of blades in these careers and applies this experience while designing and making his knives.

Dan argues that his path to knife making started at birth because he views it as a calling. In fact, he will often say, “I go to bed at night reading about knives and wake up thinking about knives.”

Dan started woodworking when his son was born in 2002 and after about 10 years, he met a blacksmith that helped him make his first Bowie knife.  After that moment, he was hooked on making knives.  He met Andy Roy of Fiddleback Forge and worked as an apprentice learning all he could about how to make knives.

When asked what he would consider success in knife making, he replies, “If one day a grandfather hands his grandson one of my knives and says ‘My Dad gave me this knife when I was your age,’ then I will consider myself a success.”


Meet the Hosts

Kyle Daily

Dan Eastland

Latest Episode

107 – Ryan Coakley

Show Topic / Overview
It was great to have Ryan Coakley on the show!  He shared a lot of great knowledge on how he he got into knives and some about . . .

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What is the show about?


The show is about two knife makers sharing their experiences about knives, knife making, and small business experiences.  We will have on special guests on that will talk about how they use knives and their perspective on knives.


What is a knife?


The knife is one of the oldest tools man has ever created.  These wonderful objects allow us to create a multitude of things from simple opening of a box, to saving someones life in surgery.  In the beginning years knives were made out of stone or flint, but now they are made with highly engineered steel alloys.


Why is it important to have a quality knife?


A quality knife makes your job or task that much easier.  For example when cooking, you can get by with a knife that is not very comfortable and that you have to sharpen a lot.  But it makes cooking more enjoyable when you have a knife that fits your hand and stays sharp a long time.

Contact Us

Questions or ideas about the show? Email us at